Maurice Denis

Portrait sketch of the sisters Bibiane and Alice de La Laurencie


This work is registered in the archive of the Catalogue Raisonné currently being prepared by Claire Denis and Fabienne Stahl, under the number 904.0126. Provenance: private collection, Europe.


Here, Denis depicts the sisters Bibiane and Alice de la Laurencie with red bows in their hair. The oil sketch is a study of the painting “Mme de La Laurencie et de ses enfants” from 1904, which is part of the collection of the Musée d’Orsay and has been in the Musée des Beaux-arts in Nantes since 2017. The oil painting was commissioned in 1903 by a friend of the artist, Jean de La Laurencie. The mother of the two girls portrayed here, Berthe de La Laurencie, was a daughter of the well-known French composer Vincent D’Indy.

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