The Art of Collection

The reasons for buying and collecting art may differ greatly: Sometimes it is the pure joy found in the colours, form or motif. Other times it is the endeavor to fathom the essence of an artist’s oeuvre or the spirit of an era. Or perhaps a work of art that is tied to a personal memory or feeling.

But there is one thing all collections have in common: The owner is always proud to have acquired something beautiful, rare and valuable.  It is mostly the case that art aficionados assemble their treasures over the course of many years. And their collections do not bear an air of the finite, are not fixed and static, but have a life cycle of their own.

Being able to accompany you and your collection over the long term through this cycle is what we at Karl & Faber regard as the Art of Collection. Be it at the onset, when a collection is being built up creatively, in the interim, when it is about meaningfully rounding out the collection, or later, when it is time for a judicious restructuring – or be it at the end, when we might be entrusted with the careful dissolution of an art collection.

Due to the long tradition of our auction house, we have become acquainted with collections in the most varying phases of their existence. We know that each individual work of art has its own very special history. The provenances of the works reflect the biographies of their collectors.

This is what you share with us when you allow us to accompany you in matters pertaining your art.  The Art of Collection also means that we, for our part, share as well with you: We share our profound market knowledge and our far-reaching international network – so that you may supplement your collection with valuable pieces or, at the end of the collection’s lifecycle, sell it for what it is truly worth.

Selling out of your collection

Would you like to liquidate a collection or sell a larger estate?
You can trust in the many years of experience at Karl & Faber. We are happy to advise and support you on this path.

Every private collection has its own story. Bit by bit, from the time the first work was acquired, an art collection tells the story of its owner. Dissolving such a life’s work and passing it on into other hands is a process that requires more than just professional competence.

For Karl & Faber, auctioning off a private collection is a responsible task – but at the same time one of the most beautiful ones in auctioneering. In such a case, we are often entrusted with the life’s work of a collecting art lover. While we appraise and assess the art works, a very special cosmos opens up to us: we may follow the collector’s path to fine art until the profile of his collection reveals itself. At the end of the life cycle of a collection, we believe it is important to tell its specific story, to give the individually compiled works the opportunity to enter into a dialogue with the viewer once more – in other words, to appreciate this unique cosmos one last time.

For us, this implies good and careful marketing of a private collection. Specifically, it means that we auction such a collection in themed special auctions, so called single owner sales. In preparation, we create scientifically researched, art-historical special catalogues, which later serve as an important reference for the provenance of a work. Finally, we present the consigned private collection in a separate preview, turning Karl & Faber into a small temporary museum. And then we pass the works of art on – into new hands and new collection contexts.

The fine art auction house Karl & Faber offers you the following services when selling an estate or liquidating a collection:

  • Assessment and appraisal of the collection, even at short notice
  • Expert advice on the current market situation
  • A global network of clients
  • Ongoing live and online auctions
  • Expertise for the best possible sale
  • Organisation of all steps from first assessment to final sale
  • End-to-end solutions, comprehensive packages or individual commissions according to your needs
  • Confidentiality